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General >> Desktop Icon Save and Restore >> Desktop Restore appears in Open/Save file dialogs
(Message started by: Display on Jan 24th, 2018, 9:37am)

Title: Desktop Restore appears in Open/Save file dialogs
Post by Display on Jan 24th, 2018, 9:37am
I've noticed the Desktop Restore context menu entry appears inside Save/Open File dialog folders when right clicking on empty space.
Is there a way to hide or block the entry from appearing and keep it only to the Desktop context menu?

Not really an issue, I know, but I am curious as to why it appears there :)
Thanks for any info!

Title: Re: Desktop Restore appears in Open/Save file dial
Post by Jamie OConnell on Jun 10th, 2018, 3:43pm
Interesting.  I see that doesn't happen with all Save/Open dialogs, but it does occur with some (Notepad, for instance).  I'll see if I can restrict it to only populating the desktop menu.

Title: Re: Desktop Restore appears in Open/Save file dial
Post by Jamie OConnell on Oct 19th, 2022, 5:14pm
I believe I have finally solved this issue. I uploaded a new version today.

Title: Re: Desktop Restore appears in Open/Save file dial
Post by Display on Oct 19th, 2022, 6:57pm
Hey! Thank you so much for remembering this!
Just been trying it, and it appears to be working great :D
Really appreciate it, thanks again!

Title: Re: Desktop Restore appears in Open/Save file dial
Post by Jamie OConnell on Oct 20th, 2022, 10:30pm
Glad to hear it! Cheers!

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