 MIDI-OX Rules!
Posts: 26
SBLive Cuttoff proportional to Velocity
« on: Dec 16th, 2004, 6:17pm » |
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Hi friends. I dont have midi-ox with me now, but i will upload the map later. The idea is a map that allows you associate the velocity of a note with the darkness/brightness that can give you the cuttoff filter of the SBLive cards. The NRPN number is: 16277 the values of the NRPN is 8319 (dark) 8192 (bright) You need associate Low velocityes with High NRPN values, that means you need a two step mapping for reverse the NRPN. Well, if you dont understand nothing im saying, but still found it interesting , i will upload this week the map and also a .mp3 example. (it can help you when you have samples that dont have layers, making more dark the low velocity and brighter the high velo ones) See you! (Any one knows any software synth that support the NRPN of the sblive?)