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 MIDI-OX Rules!
Posts: 3
I am completely stuck
« on: Dec 19th, 2017, 12:12pm » |
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Guys, I am trying to make an application that receives the CTL presses from the Boss GT-10, and sends back which patch to use. I am completely stuck with the following. I want to make an app using JavaScript (please note: this is NOT the same a JScript!!) but Javascript can't create the MidiOx object. In fact I can only get a VBScript stand-alone file to work. This is fine, but it has no interface.... but when I 'HTA' is that does give it an interface but then I can't create the MidiOx object....... sigh.. Does anybody please have a complete idiot-proof for absolute moronic dummies example of how to get an application that both can load the MidiOx object AND has an interface. Thanks....