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   x64 Installation
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   Author  Topic: x64 Installation  (Read 13317 times)
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MIDI-OX Rules!


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x64 Installation
« on: Apr 6th, 2010, 11:15pm »
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It seems the x86 driver does work with x64 for some reason but that x64 programs cannot see the ports.
Could this possibly be because the registry for WoW64 programs(32-bit) is different?
Can someone with x64 try to add the ports manually to the registry and see if this allows x64 programs to see the ports(it should but they might not work because the driver is still 32-bit).
Basically all 32-bit programs use a sub registry of the real 64-bit registry. When you install midi yoke it installs the registry keys for the midi port but in that 32-bit registry(the SysWOW64 registry).  
When you run an x64 program it uses the real registry and hence cannot see the midi keys that Midi Yoke installed.
By copying the keys to the 64-bit registry it may work.
One way to do this(which I might do) is use a registry monitor and have it monitor the registry when you install midi yoke to find out exactly what keys it is adding then copy them with the right modifications to the main registry.
The problem here is that the x64 programs might try to use the driver and cause a crash since an x86 driver is slightly different. Windows has the ability to let x86 programs call x64 drivers(called thunking) but not the other way around. x86 apps to x86 drivers seems to work in some cases I guess(not sure why but seems to be the case for Midi Yoke).
It may be impossible for x64 programs to call x86 drivers because there is no thunking which will result in a crash because the pointers and stack of the x86 will not be correct(the x64 program will expect x64 drivers). It may work though...
If I remember I'll try to do this in a VM.
I imagine also a simple x64 recompilation of the source code should work without much hassle.
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MIDI-OX Rules!


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Posts: 10
Re: x64 Installation
« Reply #1 on: Nov 13th, 2016, 6:45am »
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My computer is x64.  Midi ox does not see any midi ports on my computer, and I don't understand why.  
On my laptop which is also x64, it does see some of the midi ports, but I do not plan on using my laptop for music purposes.
Any ideas of what I could do please.
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