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MIDI Yoke >> MIDI Yoke Installer Issues >> HELP!! I can't connect ableton with MIDI YOKE!!
(Message started by: zizub on Mar 28th, 2017, 10:08am)

Title: HELP!! I can't connect ableton with MIDI YOKE!!
Post by zizub on Mar 28th, 2017, 10:08am
Hi everyone!

I've installed MidiYoke in my laptop (wich runs windows 10) to sync together Ableton Live 9 and AFX Lights (a light programm wich uses midi input).

Well I can actually  connect AFX Lights midi input to MidiYoke, but when I try to choose MidiYoke as the midi output of ableton it just don't apears in Ableton's midi ports section... :(

I don't understand why ableton don't recognize it if it's actually working with AFX.

Can someone help me? It's really important!

Thanks a lot people!

Title: Re: HELP!! I can't connect ableton with MIDI YOKE!
Post by Breath on Mar 28th, 2017, 10:59pm
You don't say if your Win 10 and Ableton are 64bit.
MidiYoke is not supported as a 64bit driver.
Have a look at Tobias's LoopMIDI  http://www.tobias-erichsen.de/software/loopmidi.html

All the best

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