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midiox with mc808
« on: Aug 1st, 2011, 11:08pm » |
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Thank you for this great piece of software. I have recently bought an MC808 and I use it with ableton, along with the software editor. I have a usb keyboard and an APC-20. The manual has really small letters so I need to ask on the forum... I would like to do the following: a) send changes from the mc808 software editor to the MC808 VIA hardware controller...there is a copy sysex command in the mc808 browser. reason: mc808's real synthesis power is in the software editor..being able to make minute changes and sending that message via another midi controller would be the cat's meow. b) change patches 1-16 with a midi hardware or keyboard keystroke... reason: I just want to change a set of instruments on the fly...for instance, changing bank 4-6 from string patches to horn patches c) change MFX patches with a keystroke reason: I have 2 MFX, and sometimes I want to change the effect to something more suitable for the mood of the from modulation delay to LOFI . d) how could I get information from the APC-20 sliders into different midi channels on the mC808. please help me with any and all links. I don't know much...but I have the tenacity of a honey badger...I will keep you posted on my findings.