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GSnap Autotune Alternative Midi Mode
« on: Mar 15th, 2016, 3:52pm » |
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Freeware autotuner GSnap is fundamentally a Vst effect, but (for best results) receives midi notes like a Vst instrument - enough to hopelessly confuse many hosts (and would-be pop stars!) A nice solution is to export the midi guidance notes and have MidiOx return them as a pretty little dancing green light on GSnap's keyboard (="naughty singer! you should be singing at *this* pitch!"). The screenshot shows the main elements in Windows 8.1. Muzys (host example) is playing some badly sung audio alongside a corrective midi track. From this, notes A to G# are played by "My Midi Player" through MIDI Yoke Port 1 to MIDI Ox (helpfully receiving on any "*" channel); mapped to Controllers 28 to 39 (=A to G# on GSnap's keyboard); returned to Muzys on MIDI Yoke Port 7, Channel 1; and finally routed to GSnap. Singing is now pitch perfect... Where does my tone-deaf girlfriend sign that record contract? :-) • Configuring your host's midi in/out can be fiddly... (1) Choose in/out Ports [these MUST be different eg. 1&7, black arrows] (2) Get the corrective midi track played out. "Real Note Offs" are needed (3) Choose the 'Player' of the returned midi (4) [Possibly] check the channels of the returned midi. I've assembled these dialogues for Muzys (below) but they'll be similar in other hosts. With everything sorted, your midi in/out indicators should blink in unison on playback (if you have them: red-ringed). In Midi Ox, key functions are *choose Ports* (green arrow); *Make Map* (purple arrow); *Routing overview* (blue arrow); *Install Map in Connection* (green-ringed [right-click » Properties...] This sometimes needs [save&] reload in main map window first). • Since this isn't GSnap's 'official' midi mode, "Snap to selected notes" (red arrow) is indeed correct. Start with nothing selected (=GSnap waiting for the 1st *allowed* note). The other (crude) settings shown are fine for setting up (ie. trying to invoke that infamous warbling robot!) • You only define 1 of 12 target notes with GSnap. The octave that places this closest to the current audio pitch is chosen automatically. Bit confusing. Basically, if you run out of low/high notes, just jump up/down an octave. This also means there's no (functional) reason to increase the Translation Map's input range. • Used like this, GSnap's Pitchbend won't work, but this is far easier to perform vocally (& leave 'uncorrected') than singing pitch-perfect (which is the real issue here). Better too, because Pitchbend is limited to 2 semitones to suppress all that MickeyMouse / DarthVader formant mangling (not a problem for a real singer). Vibrato will also be null, but here there are some Vst fixes... One of the simplest is MDA's DubDelay which does great vibrato if you zero its feedback (Delay 10ms [=coarse depth]; Lfo depth 0 -100% [best automated]; Lfo rate 0.4 - 0.1sec; Fx mix 100%). • Your host (like Muzys) might reject external midi during mixdown / audio render. The hilarious solution here is to just do a preliminary midi recording of the returned Controllers (the host writes autonomously to itself before your very eyes!). The resultant Controller lanes won't give any trouble (unless you try to edit them, [=migraine!] • Luv+hugs, SLR