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SYSEX bug revisited...
« on: Aug 10th, 2008, 7:54am » |
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Hi, after days of searching and experimenting, I found an older thread on this forum describing exactly the same problem I am having. When sending a sysex which is bigger than the buffer size, the sysex message gets corrupted. I have developed an USB-MIDI interface, and was doing tests with this device. Since I did not have the same problem with a MidiSport 2x4 interface, I suspected an issue with my device firmware or USB stack. Using an extremely small buffer size of 6 clearly shows the problem (while the same occurs with bigger buffer sizes) Sent SYSEX : F0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 F7 Received packets in the USB controller endpoint : 04 F0 01 02 04 03 04 05 00 04 00 06 07 04 09 10 11 00 04 00 12 13 04 15 16 17 00 04 00 18 19 05 F7 00 So each first message of a packet is corrupted. Maybe Jamie OConnell is still around and has an update on this issue? I am trying to use my device as "class compliant" on Windows-XP, I guess this is the cause? Any idea what the behavior would be on other OSes? (Vista, MacOSX) Thanks for any additional info, Xavier