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Topic: Window moved offscreen --- help! (Read 2921 times) |
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 MIDI-OX Rules!
Posts: 2
Window moved offscreen --- help!
« on: Mar 12th, 2013, 8:56pm » |
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MIDI-OX got into a strange state, such that whenever I resized its window, the window moved a little to the left. After resizing it a few times, it moved completely off my display --- so that I can't see it! If I select Maximize in the taskbar, I can get it to be full-screen, but then of course I can't see any of the other programs I'm running. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling MIDI-OX (thinking that this would nuke the preferences), but it still starts with the window invisible. I tried to find the preferences for the app, but didn't find any (in Documents and Settings). How can I get the window back on-screen?
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Posts: 1020
Re: Window moved offscreen --- help!
« Reply #1 on: Mar 12th, 2013, 10:50pm » |
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You don't mention what OS you are using. I have seen a similar problem to this with another application and it turned out to be the NVidia video card settings. But looking at the starting with the window invisible (minimized?) problem, assuming XP, right click the MidiOx desktop icon and select Properties. Make sure the 'Run:' option is "Normal window" To get a window that is off the screen, right click on a blank part of the Task Bar and select 'Cascade windows' or one of the 'Tile' options Royce
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New Member

 MIDI-OX Rules!
Posts: 2
Re: Window moved offscreen --- help!
« Reply #2 on: Mar 12th, 2013, 10:58pm » |
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>what OS you are using Windows XP. >'Cascade windows' Ah, very good --- just what I needed. THANK YOU!!!
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