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Topic: Custom Port Names Not Saved (Read 5735 times) |
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 MIDI-OX Rules!
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Custom Port Names Not Saved
« on: Apr 23rd, 2016, 7:54pm » |
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I have been using Midi Ox for quite a while now but as my studio has evolved I find the need to create custom port names. When I do this, and select OK then go back to Midi Devices, the names are there but if I exit the program then restart it, the names are gone back to default settings. I am running Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit. I have tried saving a profile in Midi Ox but that makes no difference. I have tried setting compatibility for Win XP and 32 bit as well as administrator. I don't know if anyone else is having this issue. I am running V7.0.2.372. I see some old posts on the net about this but nothing had seemed to resolve this issue. Thanks very much for your help.
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 MIDI-OX Rules!
Posts: 78
Re: Custom Port Names Not Saved
« Reply #1 on: Apr 24th, 2016, 9:35am » |
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Version doesn't seem to write custom port names to Win7 registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MIDI-OX\MIDI-OX 32\Custom In Names HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MIDI-OX\MIDI-OX 32\Custom Out Names create new string value: midi port name enter string value data: custom name or export the regkey for editing: No issue with previous version!
« Last Edit: Dec 18th, 2016, 5:03am by Sonus » |
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 MIDI-OX Rules!
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Re: Custom Port Names Not Saved
« Reply #2 on: Apr 24th, 2016, 9:43am » |
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Hi, Thanks for your reply. Can you explain a little more what I am supposed to do in the registry? Sorry, I'm not great at going in and editing stuff like this. Thanks
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 MIDI-OX Rules!
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Re: Custom Port Names Not Saved
« Reply #3 on: Dec 17th, 2016, 1:32am » |
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Same issue here, custom names don't save in Win7 64bit. The registry hack works: go to the correct location in the registry, create a new string entitled "your Port", with a value of "New name" (without the quotes). Restart Ox. You have to get the spelling of the existing port exactly right.
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 MIDI-OX Rules!
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Re: Custom Port Names Not Saved
« Reply #4 on: Dec 17th, 2016, 5:05pm » |
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That worked... Took me a bit to figure out but all custom names are there now. Thanks so much!
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 MIDI-OX Rules!
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Re: Custom Port Names Not Saved
« Reply #5 on: Apr 2nd, 2017, 12:03pm » |
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Actually, a registry edit is not needed. It suffices to manually add the custom names to an ini file (the saved Profile.) On my system once I did that my 3-letter custom names persisted across restarts. Here's a step-by-step 1. Use "Save Profile" to save a profile 2. go find that file. It would by default be in: C:\Program Files (x86)\MIDIOX\Instr 3. copy it to the Desktop 4. add the following at the bottom of the file: [Custom In Names] SystemName 1=Custom name 1 SystemName 2=Custom name 2 [Custom Out Names] SystemName 1=Custom name 1 SystemName 2=Custom name 2 MIDI Mapper=MIDI Mooper Copy the file back to C:\Program Files (x86)\MIDIOX\Instr Thanks to users khdetw and Jean-Nicholas for that info.
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 MIDI-OX Rules!
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Re: Custom Port Names Not Saved
« Reply #6 on: Aug 6th, 2018, 8:27pm » |
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I have tried editing the reg. to rename the input names and to edit the ini profile save for the custom names but MIDI OX still wont remember which CDJ is which. I have 1 DJM 900 nexus and two CDJ 2000's Nexus Midi ox wont remember every time its booted up nor will it save any of the names.
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Posts: 1019
Re: Custom Port Names Not Saved
« Reply #7 on: Aug 6th, 2018, 10:43pm » |
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Go to Options / Customize Port Names... Make sure that all the In devices all have a unique "MIDI Port Name" and that name is used in the reg file. Make sure that all the Out devices all have a unique "MIDI Port Name" and that name is used in the reg file. It must be exact - including spaces . You can have the same name in In and Out For example I have a "Yamaha MOTIF XS8-1" as a Midi In and as a MIDI Out and that is OK as there is a separate key for inputs and outputs in the Reg. All the best Royce
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 MIDI-OX Rules!
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Re: Custom Port Names Not Saved
« Reply #8 on: Aug 9th, 2018, 2:44pm » |
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They all match but MIDI ox will always change it back to the default names my CDJ's have...
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 MIDI-OX Rules!
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Re: Custom Port Names Not Saved
« Reply #9 on: Jul 7th, 2019, 7:24am » |
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1 - not wroking at all for saving profiles... is there pb with administrator/user permissions? 2 - question for Breath: You write "Make sure that all the In devices all have a unique "MIDI Port Name"" but how manage the same input devices => 2 same names
« Last Edit: Jul 7th, 2019, 7:29am by shanio » |
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Posts: 1019
Re: Custom Port Names Not Saved
« Reply #10 on: Jul 9th, 2019, 12:42am » |
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Hi what interface do you have that has the same name for two inputs or two outputs? My understanding is that is not permitted in a Midi driver. What OS are you using? All the best Royce
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 MIDI-OX Rules!
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Re: Custom Port Names Not Saved
« Reply #11 on: Jul 9th, 2019, 10:19am » |
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Hi, I use 2 Foot Control. MIDI software indicate FootControl & FootControl2, but MIDIOX indicate the same name for two interfaces inputs. OS = Windows 10
« Last Edit: Jul 9th, 2019, 10:20am by shanio » |
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Re: Custom Port Names Not Saved
« Reply #12 on: Jul 10th, 2019, 8:52pm » |
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OK. I guess the driver just loaded when you connected the USB cable. So there there must be multiple MicroSoft drivers installed and MS didn't bother to give each of them a unique name. It looks like MS doesn't even follow their own guidelines. When there is a list saying change 'X Port 1' to "X1" every thing should be ok. If there are more than one 'X Port 1' how do you resolve which is the correct change? Sorry. It looks like MS screwed up again.
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 MIDI-OX Rules!
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Re: Custom Port Names Not Saved
« Reply #13 on: Oct 1st, 2019, 10:51pm » |
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I have done the *.ini file with the names and it works perfectly, but.... it does not "persist" I have to go to the ...(86)/Midi-0x/Instr directory with the <Load Profile> command every time. Is there a way to point my file to load each time?? I'm running Windows 10 PRO
« Last Edit: Oct 1st, 2019, 10:52pm by shmuelyosef » |
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Re: Custom Port Names Not Saved
« Reply #14 on: Nov 24th, 2019, 1:36am » |
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You might like to try this, BUT I only use Win7. Let me know if it is OK with Win 10. MidiOx also uses the registry to store the 3 letter short names for Midi devices Create a text file with an editor and call it "MidiOxShortNames.reg" You can cut and paste one of my Midi reg files (it has a Creative 1212 and a MidiSport 4x4 interface) I like to have the third letter as "i" for input and "o" for output. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MIDI-OX\MIDI-OX 32\Custom In Names] "E-DSP MIDI Port [D8E0]"="EMi" "MIDISPORT 4x4 In A"="MAi" "MIDISPORT 4x4 In B"="MBi" "MIDISPORT 4x4 In C"="MCi" "MIDISPORT 4x4 In D"="MDi" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MIDI-OX\MIDI-OX 32\Custom Out Names] "E-DSP MIDI Port [D8E0]"="EMo" "MIDISPORT 4x4 Out A"="MAo" "MIDISPORT 4x4 Out B"="MBo" "MIDISPORT 4x4 Out C"="MCo" "MIDISPORT 4x4 Out D"="MDo" and edit it based on device lists in MidiOx Options/Midi devices.. "device_name"="ABC" Note the device names must be exactly as they appear in Options/ Midi devices. You already have them in your ini file, but... You can right click and clear the MidiOx output window and then use View / Device Info. Right click the Output window and select "copy all" and past that into your editor to get the correct device names. When finished and saved, go to explorer and double click on "MidiOxShortNames.reg" and MS will ask if it is OK to change the registry. Close and restart MidiOx to check. Let me know if that helps. All the best Royce
« Last Edit: Nov 24th, 2019, 1:36am by Breath » |
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 MIDI-OX Rules!
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Re: Custom Port Names Not Saved
« Reply #15 on: Nov 27th, 2019, 2:02am » |
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on Nov 24th, 2019, 1:36am, Breath wrote: Note the device names must be exactly as they appear in Options/ Midi devices. |
| Before I try the Registry thing, I have a structural question Question: Do I have to use the default device names...e.g. with my MOTU ExpressXT all the device names are generic: Port 1 on MXPXT Port 2 on MXPXT etc...... Port 8 on MXPXT I have been trying to use the <Customize Port Names> function so that the <MIDI Port Routing> window has names that help me OB6 synth, Nord Electro, SoundCanvas, etc... This works great when I type it in and then select the channels in the MIDI Devices Window. Then the Routing window looks exactly like I want. However, if I close the program and reopen it all of the entries in <Customize Port Names> have reverted to the generic. The <FileSaveAs...> button doesn't work ...any words of wisdom?
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Posts: 1019
Re: Custom Port Names Not Saved
« Reply #16 on: Nov 27th, 2019, 8:30pm » |
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Hi When MidiOx starts it asks Windows for the names of all the Midi devices from each of the drivers and creates an ordered list for Midi In and Midi Out. If the names are EXACTLY the same then it relys on the order to distinguish who is who. This is OK as long as you don't disconnect any of the USB Midi devices from your PC or at the very least make sure that they all are present and are in the same USB port on the PC before you turn it on. Even for devices with unique names, changing the USB port for the interface will re-install the driver. This new driver will act as if what you have plugged in is a new but identical device and so needs a new/different set device names just in case you plug in your other (but really non-existant) Midi device and won't know which is which. So this 'new' Midi interface with different device names will no longer match your reg file and MidiOx will revert to the long names. From your post your device names look to be unique (allowing for context of Midi In or Out) so you should be OK. The Custom names can only be 3 letters so here is my suggestion... Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MIDI-OX\MIDI-OX 32\Custom In Names] "Port 1 on MXPXT"="P1i" "Port 2 on MXPXT"="P2i" "Port 3 on MXPXT"="P3i" "Port 4 on MXPXT"="P4i" "Port 5 on MXPXT"="P5i" "Port 6 on MXPXT"="P6i" "Port 7 on MXPXT"="P7i" "Port 8 on MXPXT"="P8i" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MIDI-OX\MIDI-OX 32\Custom Out Names] "Port 1 on MXPXT"="P1o" "Port 2 on MXPXT"="P2o" "Port 3 on MXPXT"="P3o" "Port 4 on MXPXT"="P4o" "Port 5 on MXPXT"="P5o" "Port 6 on MXPXT"="P6o" "Port 7 on MXPXT"="P7o" "Port 8 on MXPXT"="P8o" If the above is what you want, copy and paste to a text editor, if you need to - rename the 3 letter custom names (NOT the device names as these have to match the names in Options/Midi Devices). Save the file as "MidiOx Custom Names.reg" (the *.reg part will get Windows to write/modify the registry entries for you). Go to explorer and and double click on the "MidiOx Custom Names.reg" filename and say OK to write it to the registry (assuming you have the permissions to do so). The MidiOx program was written for a long past version of Windows and although Jamie has modified the code to get it working reliably on newer versions, saving the custom port names is a bit flaky. I have the 'saving' working on some installations of Win 7, but not on others (a PC rebuild is the reason why I have revisited this). The limit of only 3 letters probably stems from the lack of screen space on earlier computer systems. I too wish the custom name could be bigger. Synth names like my "Emu XL1 Turbo" are easy with "XLi" and "XLo", but my "MotiF X8" has 4 ports so the main one is "M1i" and "M1o" and then for my "Morpheus" I use "MOi" and "MOo". Not the best, but workable. Time to be creative. At least you are the only one that has to remember what is what. Note that you can have multiple "MidiOx Custom Names.reg" files with slightly different file names and you are only a double click away from resetting / overwriting the custom names. I can't remember if a reboot is required, but, of course, you will definitely need to restart MidiOx. Let me know how you go. All the best Royce
« Last Edit: Nov 27th, 2019, 9:07pm by Breath » |
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 MIDI-OX Rules!
Posts: 11
Re: Custom Port Names Not Saved
« Reply #17 on: Dec 19th, 2019, 4:56am » |
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I know that this thread is old, but this trick worked for me. I manually added the entries to the registry, and the custom names don't seem to be limited to three characters. I'm using a MIDI-PLUS 4*4 (4-In, 4-Out, USB to the machine, and the hardware names are always the same). Worked like a charm - thanks! Hope it helps someone else.
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Posts: 1019
Re: Custom Port Names Not Saved
« Reply #18 on: Dec 19th, 2019, 7:33pm » |
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You are correct, you can rename it to what ever you want. The trouble is Jamie limits the Midi port name to 3 characters in the Input and Output windows. eg my motif xs USB driver has 4 inputs and outputs with the full names "Yamaha MOTIF XS8-1" ,"Yamaha MOTIF XS8-2" for both inputs and outputs Renaming them "M1i", "M1o", "M2i", "M2o" etc makes them unique in the Input and Output windows. The title in the windows is " TIMESTAMP IN PORT STATUS......." which is a bit confusing, but when I see "0000C7E1 M1i M3o .........." I know exactly where the Midi data is coming from and going to. So as long as the first 3 characters of the custom name are unique you are good to go. Royce
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 MIDI-OX Rules!
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Re: Custom Port Names Not Saved
« Reply #19 on: Mar 28th, 2022, 7:19pm » |
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on Dec 19th, 2019, 7:33pm, Breath wrote:... you can rename it to what ever you want. The trouble is Jamie limits the Midi port name to 3 characters in the Input and Output windows. |
| This is an old thread, but after many years of using MIDI-OX it was very helpful for me registering Custom Port Names! The *.reg file to insert the keys still works fine in the latest version of Win10 (21H2). And I'd like to add one more little extension to it, so you can use 3-letter and full port names at the same time. With only 3-letter names, the descriptions for, for example, "MIDI Port Routing" and "MIDI Port Activity" becomes too cryptic. By adding the original port name to the 3-letter Custom Name between brackets, you have both a cryptic Monitor indication and a clear indication in other windows. Example: "MIDISPORT 8x8/s In 1"="MS1" then becomes "MIDISPORT 8x8/s In 1"="MS1 (MIDISPORT 8x8 1)" or if a JV-1080 is on that port: "MIDISPORT 8x8/s In 1"="J18 (JV-1080)"
« Last Edit: Mar 28th, 2022, 7:31pm by openmind_nl » |
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