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   Stability Issue
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   Author  Topic: Stability Issue  (Read 2091 times)
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Stability Issue
« on: Oct 31st, 2016, 9:19pm »
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I am currently using MIDI-OX to more quickly gather what my keyboard is doing on the MIDI bus.  A diagnostic tool.   In the future, I can see using it to respond to SysEx using WSH scripts or do other "live gig" things.
The problem I see with this is my experience with MIDI-OX stability - or lack of it.
Often, it goes "offline" meaning although the GUI is responsive - the MIDI monitor no longer shows activity.  My machine does not hibernate or standby - so it is not this kind of issue.
If I come back to MIDI-OX, I'll often find it not showing anything on the monitor forcing a restart and I'll usually unplug/plug back in the USB MIDI cable although I'm not sure this is necessary - it's something that always brings me back to working.
What I envision is using MIDI-OX on a gig - starting after a break - and when my keyboard part is coming in (I play 2nd keys - other main instrument) - I'll get no sound due to the stability issue and James Brown will rise up and fire me.
I know it is "free".  I hesitate to put my eggs in this basket given the first impression.  My USB driver is Yamaha's - using a Yammy keyboard and Windows 10 is the OS with a workstation (xeon).
I'd also be interested in commercial alternatives particularly if they can do the scripting or at least setup a task if incoming SysEx or messages come in that match some "trigger" (filter).
Let me know if there's anything that can help identify what's going on so I can contrinute to making MIDI-OX more stable.
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Re: Stability Issue
« Reply #1 on: Nov 1st, 2016, 6:45pm »
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Hi Jason,
sorry to hear you are having such problems.
I have a least one if not two MidiOx sessions on all day, everyday, as I am working.
It does not miss a beat.
I am using XP 32 but mainly Win7 64 on all my machines.
I am using lots of Midi interfaces - M-Audio MidiSport 8x8 and a 4x4, Yamaha USB from the Motif XS8, BCR2000 (4 and a BCF200) a couple of Novation Launchpads, UltraNova etc etc as well as a large group of MidiYoke threads.
There are a couple of bugs in MidiOx that are annoying but there are workarounds (Sysex through -click on the bottom status bar to re-enable it)
I suspect your problem is Win10 as it has been causing a few nightmares for others - following along from the problems with Win8, which is why I am avoiding it.
MS has decided to rewrite it's Midi stuff and, as normal, I think they are making things hard if you don't want to rewrite you program to do it their new way, even when they still have most of the old stuff buried in there as well.
Jamie seems to be busy and we only see him here occasionally, but if you can't make MidiOx work you might like to look as  Bomes Midi Translator.
Here is their near free version.
All the best
Royce Craven
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MIDI-OX Rules!


Posts: 4
Re: Stability Issue
« Reply #2 on: Nov 4th, 2016, 9:37am »
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Thanks for the feedback.   I do use Midi-OX for a quick look at the bus for primarily diagnostics - so this use tolerates restarting the tool.  Therefore, even with the stability problem (possibly the root cause as Win10) - the tool is useful for what I have been doing thus far.
During my search - I did see the Bome translator and even suggested someone else use it for remapping SysEx to CC (and, for this, the classic version would work fine).  I'm also finding other platforms which seem interesting.  The JUCE library now with a controller hardware company backing it - seems like an interesting platform to build a similar diagnostic / routing / scripting tool.
I'm not sure why the VST options are not more full-featured for MIDI monitoring (example: SysEx not supported).  
I don't know if the "compatibility" feature in windows invokes older interfaces for MIDI.  In other words, I'm not sure how complete the "compatibility" setting is.  I'm sure there's a stream to follow with all the gory details.
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