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MIDI-OX >> MIDI-OX Bug List >> MIDI IN don't work ?!
(Message started by: bedbug on Nov 11th, 2003, 1:04pm)

Title: MIDI IN don't work ?!
Post by bedbug on Nov 11th, 2003, 1:04pm

I just need to use the MIDIOX to patch the midi input of my MPU-401 to midi Yoke output 1.
(i install also midi Yoke)
But there's no signal on the midi input monitor, of my MPU-401.
I try with the computer keyboard, and it's ok...

So i think i don't know how to configure MIDIOX
Can u help me quickly..... please......

And i promise u to don't forget to buy a licence.

Best Regards.


Title: Re: MIDI IN don't work ?!
Post by Jamie OConnell on Nov 11th, 2003, 9:44pm
Is your MPU401 selected as the input device in Options | MIDI Devices...?

Title: Re: MIDI IN don't work ?!
Post by bedbug on Nov 12th, 2003, 4:20am
Yes of course, that's why i contact u...
I don't understand why it don't work.

My configuration in MIDI devices is :

Midi inputs = Roland MPU-401
Midi outputs = Midi Yoke 1

I test my midi input with another midi software, and it work.


what can i do ?


Title: Re: MIDI IN don't work ?!
Post by bedbug on Nov 12th, 2003, 5:44am
More details

I need to connect a external midi keyboard on the MPU-401
and receive midi notes on Light Jockey Midi In

??? so i need MidiOx to send notes to LightJockey ???
and Midi Yoke to patch properly

But i don't receive any midi signal on the midi monitor of MidiOx.
It work only with computer keyboard....

Title: Re: MIDI IN don't work ?!
Post by Jamie OConnell on Nov 12th, 2003, 2:34pm
Sorry -- I can only make assumptions based on what you actually state.

You say you don't see any MIDI activity in the Output Monitor.  How about the Input Monitor -- do you see any activity there?  To open the input Monitor: View | Input Monitor....  Make sure your Keyboard MIDI Out is connected to the Computer MIDI In.  Make sure no filtering is being performed in Options | MIDI Filter...


Title: Re: MIDI IN don't work ?!
Post by bedbug on Nov 15th, 2003, 1:42pm
I need to do that

external midi keyboard => MPU-401 (midiox) => Midi Yoke 1 => MidiIn LightJockey

But, i can't see any activity of the midi in monitor of MidiOx...
So i try with the virtual midi keyboard ( computer keyboard )
And it work properly...

So why the midi in of MidiOx don't work with my external midi keyboard ?


Title: Re: MIDI IN don't work ?!
Post by Jamie OConnell on Nov 16th, 2003, 1:35pm
The MIDI-OX computer keyboard generates messages from within MIDI-OX: it's internal.  That would tend to support the notion that there is a problem with either the MIDI Keyboard or the MPU401 MIDI Interface on the Input side.

Title: Re: MIDI IN don't work ?!
Post by bedbug on Nov 17th, 2003, 6:11am

I receive midi message of my external midi keyboard through the MPU-401 with another software...

So i think Midiox bug with MPU-401...

What can i do ?

Title: Re: MIDI IN don't work ?!
Post by Jamie OConnell on Nov 17th, 2003, 11:39am
I seriously doubt that. MIDI-OX works correctly with hundreds of thousands of other computers.  I suspect a configuration error on your system.   Yours would be the first machine in well over 200,000 downloads that didn't work correctly.

When you attach your keyboard to MIDI-OX do any lights show up on the MIDI Port Activity view: View | Port Status...?  What software does your MPU401 work correctly with?

Title: Re: MIDI IN don't work ?!
Post by bedbug on Nov 18th, 2003, 4:30am
When i attach my keyboard to MIDI-OX NO lights show up on the MIDI Port Activity view: View | Port Status...?

The software who works with is Music Master Works, and any Midi software.... except Midiox...

I'm sorry, but its true....


Title: Re: MIDI IN don't work ?!
Post by Jamie OConnell on Nov 18th, 2003, 10:46am
OK.  Let's start with basics.

Open MIDI-OX.  Open Options | MIDI Devices....  Verify that the MPU401 is selected as the Input device.  Verify that MIDI Yoke 1 is selected as the Output device.   Verify that [x] Automatically attach inputs to outputs during selection is checked. If it is not checked, then check it and then toggle the MIDI Yoke 1 output attachment on and off by clicking on it twice.

Play the keyboard.  You should see data arrive in the first MIDI-OX main monitor Window.

Title: Re: MIDI IN don't work ?!
Post by bedbug on Nov 18th, 2003, 10:56am
Sorry, but i try lots of times the same thing
I think it's a hardware pbm...
So i decide to reinstall all, windows, MidiOx and MidiYoke...

If its don't work after that, i need to find another solution

Thank u for your reply

See u


Title: Re: MIDI IN don't work ?!
Post by Jamie OConnell on Nov 18th, 2003, 6:14pm
I wouldn't think that you'd need to re-install Windows, but it's your machine...   :o Good Luck.

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