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MIDI-OX >> MIDI-OX Bug List >> DevCaps Out yet again
(Message started by: Axhide on Jul 23rd, 2007, 10:14am)

Title: DevCaps Out yet again
Post by Axhide on Jul 23rd, 2007, 10:14am

I recently got a hold of a NI Audio Kontrol 1 which I use with my rather strained Dell Dimension 8300. On recommendation, I installed MIDIOX to back up the internal patches of my Ensoniq ESQ-1. The SysEx transfer to the computer went smoothly.

Then, upon restart, I recieved this message upon startup of MIDIOX:  
"DevCapsOut: Unknown device: A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
Now I can't seem to load the SysEx into the ESQ-1.

What can I do?

Title: Re: DevCaps Out yet again
Post by Jamie OConnell on Feb 2nd, 2008, 5:30pm
That message occurs after you remove a USB MIDI Device from your system, but you did not un-install the driver.  It is a message reported by Windows.  It is not a MIDI-OX bug.  You will have to manually remove the errant driver or reconnect the hardware that was used by the driver and then uninstall it.

Search the forum (and Google) for related DevCaps messages.

I have added a solution found on the internet as well:


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