Title: barfy font in Port Routing window Post by davidkhuffman on Mar 31st, 2009, 12:14pm see below for screenshot. i'm running MIDIOX with 32 Bit MIDI Library on Windows 7 Ultimate, 64 bit. Any ideas? http://tinyurl.com/copdg4 |
Title: Re: barfy font in Port Routing window Post by Peter L Jones on Mar 31st, 2009, 2:27pm Glad to hear it runs on Win7Ult64! (By the time I upgrade my old machine, I reckon MS might have released it.) |
Title: Re: barfy font in Port Routing window Post by Jamie OConnell on Apr 2nd, 2009, 5:26pm eewww. Try looking through Windows your font folder until you find that particular one and then maybe delete it (or unsinstall it or move it). |
Title: Re: barfy font in Port Routing window Post by davidkhuffman on Apr 2nd, 2009, 6:18pm i don't think that's really a font. certainly, none of them on my machine look like it. what font is it supposed to be - maybe that one's barfed up in Windows 7? |
Title: Re: barfy font in Port Routing window Post by davidkhuffman on Apr 2nd, 2009, 8:12pm I have identified the problem. Windows 7 has a font scaling capability, which when the default 125% is applied, barfs up the port names in MIDIOX's MIDI Port Routing window. Here's the page where this value is set. Note the default is 125%, which looks barfy. If you set it to 100%, it looks fine. http://tinyurl.com/c3tp9j Seems like, as soon as Windows 7 comes out, you'll have a LOT of users with this problem, especially since 125% is the default setting. dh |
Title: Re: barfy font in Port Routing window Post by Jamie OConnell on Jun 11th, 2009, 3:45am Nice scaling job Win7 does... |
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