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MIDI-OX >> MIDI-OX Bug List >> Can't Save SysEx Display Window
(Message started by: BradS on Nov 16th, 2022, 11:07pm)

Title: Can't Save SysEx Display Window
Post by BradS on Nov 16th, 2022, 11:07pm
I successfully connected to my DX7 (yay!) from Windows 10 and did a dump of the Internal patches.  MIDI-OX received 8208 bytes.  All good.  Now I select all the Display Window text and go to Save As.  It brings up the normal save window.  I can't type a file name!  It doesn't allow any typing in the file name edit box.  I can past a file name but it doesn't save any bytes to that file.

Title: Re: Can't Save SysEx Display Window
Post by Jamie OConnell on Nov 17th, 2022, 1:48am
That sounds odd.  I don't think you need to select the text, but each Sysx pane has its own Save As... command accessed via either menu or right-click context menu.  You can try selecting the dump and pasting it into the other pane and see if that one will save.

The other thing you could do is copy and paste the dump text into notepad or another text editor.  Is your screen display scaling at an extreme setting?  Also make sure you're trying to save into a writable folder (i.e. not under "Program Files (x86)" or similar).  Try resizing the "Save as..." dialog window -- maybe it'll enable the controls?  I don't have other thoughts at the moment.

Title: Re: Can't Save SysEx Display Window
Post by BradS on Nov 17th, 2022, 12:09pm
Thanks for the reply.  So good news and bad news.  The bad news is I still can't type a file name.  The good news is I found a workaround:

1) In the folder you want to save the data to, make a new empty text file.  Change the name to something.syx or whatever if you want.

2) Now in the Display Window, with the context menu or the regular menu command select Save As.  Select the empty file you made in step 1 and agree to overwrite it.

I thought last night that that didn't work but it did.  By mistake I had made the file in another folder and didn't see it was indeed writing to it.

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