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Topic: Need Help from Roland users that use Midi-Ox (Read 2116 times) |
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Need Help from Roland users that use Midi-Ox
« on: Mar 9th, 2023, 6:07pm » |
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I need help! I dumped all my user data on my Roland Super JV 1080 module to my computer via MidiOx, so that I could change the battery. I tried to load the sysex files back to the module but my performance patches are not there. Am I supposed to have the 1080 set to a certain page to load the files back onto it? I did turn off the write protect but that did nothing. Any help would be appreciated. Lots of time and work went into these performance patches!
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Posts: 1020
Re: Need Help from Roland users that use Midi-Ox
« Reply #1 on: Mar 9th, 2023, 11:24pm » |
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So just to make sure ..... When you try to send a sysex file into MidiOx it comes out the MIDI-OX Event Port at the bottom left of the MIDI Port Routing window. You need to connect (left button drag the DIN socket pic ) to the port that your JV-1080 is connected to on the right of the window. You did bulk dump ALL your data (page 74 of the manual) NOT just your patches or Rhythms? ( You can check the size of your files to see if you have the performance data, but better... you can check the data to make sure there is Performance data there in amongst the Preset and Rhythm data, but it is a bit complicated so I will leave that to see if following works first ) The System Exclusive Bulk Dump message for the JV1080 contains the Device ID which is the third byte in each dump Midi message. (Usually only needed when you have multiple JV1080s) F0 Start of system exclusive 41 Roland - manufacturer ID 10 to 1F device id = "Unit ID -1" (that is UNIT# is 17 to 32 in decimal) 6A Model ID JV-1080 If your JV was not set to 17 (factory default) when you saved your data then it won't load back in after you have reset the JV. You need to change either the file (a bit tricky) or go through the Unit numbers on the JV untill you find the matching one. I would try fixing it on the JV ... In System Mode go to SYS-EXC Midi (see page 67 of the manual) This is the same place you had to go to tell the JV it was OK to Receive Sysex. Now you need to change is the <UNIT#> - 17 to 18 - and then do a performance sysex load from MidiOx and see if it loads. If it doesn't then increase the <UNIT#> - 18 to 19 - and try loading it again (repeat increasing until it does load or you have tried 32) If you have managed to load your data then I would set the <UNIT#> to 17 and save all the data again with the UNIT# number in the filename eg "Important_JV1080_17.syx" If you have been through all 16 numbers and it still doesn't load then you will need to check that your file has the Performance data. If this is the case, post again and I'll lead you through it. Let me know how you get on. All the best Royce
« Last Edit: Mar 11th, 2023, 5:13pm by Breath » |
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