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Thanks for giving my HP16c back!
« on: Jan 14th, 2007, 4:18pm » |
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I was just checking my MIDI links after updating my web site, and noticed the HP16c link on MIDI-Yoke. Downloaded the demo, loved it, and just bought for-real version. Nice. Like you and probably many old fart programmers, I jumped on this calculator back in 1982 or so when it was first released. It was the perfect calculator and I thought HP would carry it forever. I mean, when you've reached perfection, why change? But my old one died long ago, and then the 2nd one that replaced it went, and I was unable ever since to find another. Some emulations around, but not very good ones. So many, many thanks for bringing my old favorite calculator back to life. It was clearly a labor of love, and it shows. Very nice work! John Dunn Algorithmic Arts http://algoart.com