Title: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by stonecut on Sep 27th, 2001, 3:19am Hi ! I found your Midi Yoke tool which I think is great as Hubi's ain't working on Win 2k/XP. Anyway, once I fire up Logic and start a song it'll just lock up with Midi Yoke driver loaded. Is there any particular setting I need to make ? Also, when I end Logic the program takes a long time to shut down - all this doesn't happen when I uninstall Midi Yoke. Anyone have a clue what might be wrong ? Thanks ! |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by stonecut on Sep 27th, 2001, 7:43am Alright, I solved my own problem in the past hours. Here's how for all the other peeps having problems ... To make Midi Yoke (under win2k/xp) work with Logic without having logic lock up you need to alter the win.ini. Type 'sysedit' into your run window and locate the win.ini. Now scroll down to the [logic] part: Here's mine (you'll have more/other midi devices apart from MidiYoke listed here): [Logic] keyPort=1 MidiIn_Creative_Sound_Blaster_MPU_401=1 MidiOut_Microsoft_GS_Wavetable_SW_Synth=7 MidiOut_Creative_Sound_Blaster_MPU_401=7 MidiIn_Creative_SBPCI_External_MIDI=1 MidiOut_Creative_SBPCI_Synthesizer=1 MidiOut_Creative_SBPCI_External_MIDI=1 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___1=1 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___2=0 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___3=0 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___4=0 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___5=0 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___6=0 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___7=0 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___8=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___1=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___2=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___3=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___4=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___5=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___6=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___7=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___8=0 The key is to TURN OFF *all* MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___X ports by typing a '0' behind the '='. As I'm only using one MidiIn port I also turned off all the others. I now only have MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___1 active [indicated by a '1' behind the '=']. Apparently Hubi's has the same probs with Logic but when you use Hubi's I read you need to disable the 'IN-Ports' instead of the 'OUT-Ports' which actually does make more sense but I don't care as long as it works. Hope this helps someone. And thanks for Midi Yoke NT - any chance of getting the latency just a tid bit shorter ?! |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Jamie OConnell on Sep 27th, 2001, 9:48am Thanks for the tip for other Logic Users. The MIDI Yoke NT latency is due to it's user mode multitasking, and cannot really be addressed without a redesign/rewrite. |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by stonecut on Sep 27th, 2001, 1:04pm You're welcome for the tip, hehe. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for a great software that you say is no support for but you replied the same day I posted. That is more support than other companies offer for their products even if they cost money ... I'm very sure that a 'rewrite' of the code for better latency would be much appreciated should you ever find the time for it. It is usable for rough stuff already (I'm a bad keyboarder anyway) but a little tighter timing would be nice indeed. There are no competitive virtual midi cables out for Windows XP except for Midi Yoke so investing time here would surely be beneficial to you. Is there any 'unauthorized' (lol) way - like a registry tweak or some binary editing - that I could experimentally try out to reduce latency with Midi Yoke ? Thanks for your answer ! |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Jamie OConnell on Sep 27th, 2001, 3:25pm What kind of latency are you seeing? Although MIDI Yoke NT is slower than the 9x version, it should only be a few milliseconds difference. What programs, besides Logic, are you connecting to? Are you trying to drive Software Synths with it? If so, that's likely where your latency is coming from. |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by stonecut on Sep 27th, 2001, 7:18pm No, I get the same lag when I play my standard soundcard synth on a MIDI channel. I can see the MIDI in meter in Logic react a little late, too. I can't pin on it but it could be anywhere from 20-100ms additional to behaviour under WinME. It might also have to do with Analog X Virtual Piano I'm running, though. I'll need to check. |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by wayne on Feb 4th, 2002, 11:13am :-[ Hi, I followed the directions about logic, but when I put the zero's behind the midi yoke out lines in the win.ini file, Midi Yoke won't appear in Logic. If I leave them to one Midi Yoke will appaer in Logic, but logic locks up then. Does someone have a solution? Please help. I don't want to go back to windows 98. Thanks Wayne Bornall |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Jamie OConnell on Feb 4th, 2002, 11:36am Although I don't have Logic, I think the idea is to make sure that you don't have a matching in and out set to '1'. In other words if you set: MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___1=1 then make sure that: MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___1=0 conversely if: MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___1=1 then make sure that: MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___1=0 If you connect the same port number Input to Output, you get MIDI feedback which locks up the machine. |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by wayne on Feb 5th, 2002, 4:09pm :) :) :) It works! It worked after following your directions. Thanks for your help. |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by kv on Aug 19th, 2002, 3:42am Hi all, A word about the problems in logic: While what was suggested in regard to editting win.ini is usefull for optimizing the number of threads used by midiyoke and hence improving midi latancy, the logic way to deal with this is to disconnect the sum input on the environment object 'Physical input' and connect your actual midi port directly to the 'sequencer' object. This stops midiyoke patch cables from feeding back into the sequencer input. Ah, and yes please; a kernal mode version of midiyoke - I'd buy that today :) |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Jamie OConnell on Aug 19th, 2002, 5:25pm Quote:
OK. That sounds good from a marketing standpoint, but I don't know what that means from a programming point of view? ??? The idea of editing the WIN.INI was mostly to prevent MIDI feedback from ripping through the MIDI Yoke driver. |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by kv on Aug 27th, 2002, 4:14am Hi Jamie, It's not just about making a stand point. I often use midi loopback to record realtime midi from other software into logic. Disabling the midiyoke input ports in win.ini would make them unavalable in logic and hence unusable in this way, while managing them correctly on the environment page leaves the input ports available should you need to use them. By default logic sums (merges) all midi in ports and connects them to the sequencer input and hence if any midi loopback divice is installed it will feed back. This is a default and as with every thing in logic, it can be change and it is done so: Open the Environment window and go to the leyer 'Click & Ports'. There you see an item called 'Physical Input' with a connector for every installed midi input and one called 'SUM'. Delete the wire connected to 'SUM' and make a new connection from the required input/s. No more feedback. :) kv. |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Jamie OConnell on Aug 27th, 2002, 6:16am Thanks for explaining that. ;) |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by dschaga on Nov 10th, 2002, 4:43am first msg here, so first thx for that slick tool. here my solution for the feedback problem: Code:
it's a result of different tests, so i found out that some ports are valid(1,3,5,7,9..) and some not (2,4,6,8..) and that you can only have 4 in and 4 out ports which shouldnt share the same yoke port number (?) with this constelation everything works perfect with reason and LAP too on severals machines here. |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Peter on Jan 8th, 2003, 4:56am 8) Please excuse my ignorance, as I'm new to Logic, Midi Yoke, and even Windows. But here's the deal: I'd like to set up Midi Yoke so that I can compose my notation on Sibelius, and then have the notes play back directly through a Logic Audio Instrument-like with some great samples in the EXS24. As I understand it, this would require setting up Sibelius as the master and Logic as the slave, or going from a Midi Yoke output in Sibelius to a Midi Yoke input in Logic. But I'm getting completely confused with the fact that I'm dealing with audio instruments that plug in as inputs on the tracks in the audio environment. Where do I set up my Midi Yoke input in Logic? In the flip menu of the desired audio instrument on the arrange page under 'inputs' or somehow in the environment or in the audio instrument itself? I tried the above suggestions in the clicks/ports environment (deleting the cable connected to the summed inputs of the physical input and connecting it to the specific Yoke Port input I'm using and routing it directly out to the sequencer). But I'm thinking that might be for using Logic as the controller as opposed to the slave? I'm just very confused and am dying for some tips on this matter. Man, it's frustrating. Thanks in advance, Peter (my brain is fried at this point, so I don't know if I'm making sense). :'( :'( :'( |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by ikke on Jan 23rd, 2003, 3:44pm Thanks Stonecut!! You're the man!! :D :D :D |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Jamie OConnell on Jan 24th, 2003, 12:56pm Also check the information in our Logic FAQ (http://www.midiox.com/mfaq.htm#howLogic) |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Manfred on Feb 1st, 2003, 6:15am on 02/04/02 at 11:36:53, Jamie OConnell wrote:
Hi Jamie, you're absolutely right. Just for the record: There's another feedback problem in Logic, so the hint to disconnect the MIDI Yoke ports from the Physical Input object in Logic won't cover the whole problem. Logic sends MIDI Clock events to all enabled MIDI ports by default. So even if you disconnect the MIDI Yoke ports from the Physical Input object, you still get feedback from the Logic sync input, as Logic feeds itself with MIDI Clock resp. MTC events. To fix that problem, you have to set the Logic MIDI Clock/MTC ports to a specific single port instead of the default setting using all ports. You'll find that setting in Options -> Song Settings -> Synchronisation Settings. This is a *per song* setting, so it would be useful to apply that settings to the Logic autoload song. Maybe it would be useful to add this information to the Logic FAQ. Best regards Manfred |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Jamie OConnell on Feb 2nd, 2003, 11:55am Thanks for the info, I will try to work that into the FAQ ;) |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Manfred on Feb 2nd, 2003, 1:34pm on 02/02/03 at 11:55:42, Jamie OConnell wrote:
Thanks a lot :) I just saw I made a mistake: It should read "disconnect the MIDI Yoke ports from the Sequencer Input object" instead of "Physical Input". The connection between Physical Input and Sequencer Input (the object representing the gate to the arrange tracks and the MIDI outputs) is causing the MIDI loop, or better said: One of the possible MIDI loops. Maybe this image shows better what I mean: http://home.snafu.de/petrosil/images/logicyoke.gif As some other people mentioned before: All data that are assigned to a specific output of the Physical Input object, do no longer come out of the SUM output. In this case the data of MIDI Yoke Junction 1 will appear in the monitor object only, causing no MIDI loop thru the Sequncer Input object. Best regards Manfred |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Jamie OConnell on Feb 2nd, 2003, 2:18pm Thanks for the clarification. I hope you don't mind if I use your diagram in the FAQ? I will give credit. |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Manfred on Feb 2nd, 2003, 2:35pm on 02/02/03 at 14:18:58, Jamie OConnell wrote:
Hi Jamie, you're welcome :) Just read some other threads in this board, and I think there are some hints needed concerning Logic and MIDI routing. As I write (together with Christian Baum) a Logic workshop in german Keyboards magazine, I know many of the problems and questions too well. Just let me know if you need some other screenshots or some further information on Logic. Best regards Manfred |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Jamie OConnell on Feb 2nd, 2003, 2:41pm Quote:
Great. Please feel free to jump in and answer or shed light on anything people have said. If you have other URLs for information, that is helpful too. Thanks... 8) |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Manfred on Feb 2nd, 2003, 2:57pm on 02/02/03 at 14:41:25, Jamie OConnell wrote:
Try the Sonik Matter Logic Forums at http://community.sonikmatter.com/cgi-bin/emagic/ultimatebb.cgi. There you'll find some of the most experienced Logic users, authors and developers. Best regards Manfred |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by dk01 on Feb 2nd, 2003, 5:39pm Hi, GReat thread - thanks all - I am new here - first time "caller". I am trying to use Yoke - as recommended by tech support at Emagic - Jamie hope you know this :-) - to get a free midi port for Reason 2.0 when I am running it alongside Logic... Logic hogs the 1 midi port I natively have. So, if I go to bring Reason to the foreground it has no midi input available to it. Make sense? But, for the life of me - I cant seem to get the settings right in Yoke and Logic to allow midi data to flow out of Logic through Yoke and into Reason... Seems like Logic would just steal all ports that I had if I had more native ones anyhow... Any help? and I will buy you a cup of coffee (or tea)... Yoke seems like the answer. OX is also awesome for people that have no dedicated midi box. Logic 6 with Rewire 2.0 will carry midi inherently so that may solve the problem - but then I would have to go all Mac... Please someone help. What do I set Reason's midi input prefs to? I think I got the Logic environment set and even Yoke (SORTA) set right... based on this thread? But why cant I see the midi info pass through Yoke and into Reason via Logic? THanks, David ps - is a Yoke IN really an OUT and vice versa? something about that I read and it confused me. |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Manfred on Feb 2nd, 2003, 6:45pm on 02/02/03 at 17:39:59, dk01 wrote:
Short question: What OS are you running? Quote:
Yes, this is a matter of multiclient capabilities of the specific MIDI driver. Means some drivers allow to be used by several applications, some other do not. If not, the first application demanding the driver will get it, for all other applications started later the driver will be not useable. If the later application tries to open the driver, you will get an error message the driver is already used by another application. Quote:
Only if the MIDI driver has no multiclient capabilities. And MIDI Yoke CAN handle several applications at the same time - otherwise it would make no sense. Quote:
Coffee for me please :D Quote:
I will try... Quote:
Set it to one MIDI Yoke Junction port that can be used as output in Logic, see below. Quote:
What exactly did you set up? First be shure, not to allow Logic to use the same MIDI Yoke Junction port for input and output at the same time. Therefore you have to modify the win.ini file, if not done so far. See other postings for the right settings. My standard setup constists of 4 MIDI Yoke Junction ports. Win.ini looks like this: [Logic] MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_Junction___1=1 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_Junction___2=1 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_Junction___3=0 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_Junction___4=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_Junction___1=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_Junction___2=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_Junction___3=7 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_Junction___4=7 In Logics Environment layer 'Click&Port' you have several MIDI output objects created by Logic. One for each enabled MIDI output. You may use the one of them as track instrument, that corresponds to the MIDI Yoke port you have set in Reason as MIDI input. Then the incoming data in Logic should go from the Physical Input object, through the Sequencer Input, passing the track to the MIDI output object. This only works if the track is selected in the arrange window. If you wish a continuous connection between Logic and Reason for your incoming data, independent from any track settings, you should make a direct connection from the Physical Input object to the MIDI Output object. If you cable from the SUM output of the Physical Input to a Monitor obejct, and from that Monitor object to both Sequencer Input ('to recording and thru') and the MIDI Output, you will have all connections you had before plus the Reason direct MIDI connection. You may additionally use arrange tracks set to the MIDI Yoke port as well, e.g. for playing recorded sequences from Logic to Reason on another MIDI channel than your keyboard uses. Quote:
MIDI Yoke ports can be both, depends on your settings. In one application you set a MIDI Yoke port as output, e.g. Logic. In another application you use the same port as input, e.g. Reason. Midi Yoke reports every MIDI Yoke Junction node both as input and output device to the system. And that's exactly what causes the problems with Logic: Logic registers all available MIDI ports. So the same MIDI Yoke port will show up both as input and output. That means a complete MIDI short circuit of Logic with itself. Therefore you never ever should use a MIDI Yoke port as input and output in Logic at the same time. The settings, which MIDI ports Logic uses and which not, is made in the win.ini file, see earlier postings in this thread. Btw: If you ask yourself, what the numbers in the win.ini file mean, here is: 0= port disabled 1= port enabled 7= port enabled and succesfully transmitted sysex data 3= port disabled by Logic, warning has been displayed to the user Best... Manfred |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by dk01 on Feb 2nd, 2003, 8:47pm Win XP is the OS. Need to reread this thread and try some of this stuff.. Manfred, to say that you simply ROCK - would be a grand understatement - seems like there is a solution in here somewhere :-) Coffee on the way - what country are you in? I will report back soon... Thanks, DK |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Jamie OConnell on Feb 3rd, 2003, 2:51pm Quote:
From the Driver Writers point of view, an OUT really is an IN: an application attaches a MIDI Output port to emit data. From the driver's point of view this Output port is really an Input to the driver. Similarly, an application attaches to an Input port to receive data. Again, from the driver's point of view this Input port is really an Output, where it's taking the data from an external source (keyboard) and supplying it to the application. Thus, MIDI Yoke (a driver) takes any information showing up at its Output port and reroutes it to emit it from its Input port, therefore supplying any attached applications. |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Manfred on Feb 4th, 2003, 12:02am on 02/03/03 at 14:51:26, Jamie OConnell wrote:
And from the users point of view it's somewhat confusing ;) I think most people don't realize that MIDI Yoke is a MIDI device itself, as it only shows up in the applications driver lists. Just have another case of MIDI confusion: In some MIDI implementation chart pitch bend data is displayed as hex code. So half an hour after I wrote about pitch bend data of a device, I got back a mail, complaining that there is not pitch bend, but sysex instead 8) Best... Manfred |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by dk01 on Feb 4th, 2003, 3:19pm So, not to get in the middle of the ins and outs debate ??? but... Manfred, I have my wini.ini file setup near exact to yours as far as yoke goes... and Logic doesnt seem to lockup and from that standpoint I am better. BUT - when Reason is "rewired" to Logic the midi data does not make it through the yoke output to Reason. But - when Reason is run simultaneously to Logic (NOT IN REWIRE) the midi data DOES IN FACT make it through Yoke to Reason... So, I seem to have the patching correct - at least understand the bare essentials to get midi to flow through the YOKE midi device to Reason... Logic support suggested maybe just use midi-ox and have midi input be sent from there to Reason. Sequence stuff and have it Rewired to Logic and audio then could flow to Logic. Not exactly what I am looking for. It could suffice... BUT - maybe I can send midi via midi-ox to both Reason and Logic and have what I want - simulatanoues midi input to Reason and Logic while having the two Rewired. Will this work? I seem right on the cusp - AND maybe I am missing something a setting or ?? - any further ideas? thanks, David |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Manfred on Feb 4th, 2003, 5:22pm on 02/04/03 at 15:19:50, dk01 wrote:
There's no debate - Jamie is the master of the MIDI Ports, that's it ;) Quote:
Fine! Quote:
Did you try to play MIDI in ReWire mode, when Logic/Reason were in Playback mode? Quote:
Not neccessary, MIDI connection from Logic to Reason in ReWire mode via 1 MIDI Yoke node works, tried it 5 minutes ago. Quote:
Maybe it will, didn't try that. But you can also have Reason synchronized by Logic. Just start first Reason, then Logic, so you'll get no ReWire connection. Then set up one MIDI Yoke port as MIDI Clock output in Logic, same port in Reson as MIDI Clock input (Preferences->Advanced MIDI). ReWire contains synchronization capabilities itself, no need to make an extra MIDI Clock connection. Quote:
I think your main hangup is not to have Logic and Reason in Playback mode, when trying to play MIDI. If Logic/Reason is stopped, Reason will receive no more MIDI input from Logic (even not if an external MIDI source is connected, I tried that out). I think this is a matter of the combined ReWire 1/MIDI connection Logic and Reason have to use, instead of a real ReWire 2 connection, which will provide audio and MIDI all together. So give it another try with ReWire, and hit Play before transmitting MIDI. Btw: You may automate resp. remote control Reason from the Logic Track Automation, using an additional MIDI Yoke port. Best... Manfred |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by dk01 on Feb 4th, 2003, 5:55pm on 02/04/03 at 17:22:27, Manfred wrote:
No, I will try this - that did not occur to me - but your explanation makes sense. Cool - how exciting! on 02/04/03 at 17:22:27, Manfred wrote:
Cool, I will get this working too as an alt. way to work... on 02/04/03 at 17:22:27, Manfred wrote:
Can you explain this more - is this different than the sync/remote stuff you explained above? Use the Logic tracks to automate what in Reason? What is resp. an abbrev for? (I swear I am not this dumb in real life) Wow - problems (probably) solved - will confirm later when I test it myself - but sounds like you know it does. Your help is so much appreciated - thanks, DK |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by dk01 on Feb 5th, 2003, 12:37am So, it does work... but the latency is sooo bad its unusable this way. Manfred - do you experience this??? Is it the audio latency or midi latency? Seems like an audio latency thing to me... Reason is in the foreground - Logic controlling audio via Rewire in the background... Maybe I will try the midiox junction idea and just keep out of rewire slave mode... I feel like an emagic slave - dang pc. Hmmmm, DK |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Manfred on Feb 5th, 2003, 5:30pm on 02/04/03 at 17:55:56, dk01 wrote:
The whole Reason surface is remote controlable by MIDI Controller events, as far as I have seen. Reason reserves a special MIDI input for that purpose. So if you use another MIDI Yoke port for remote, and put this port as a track instrument in Logic, you may use the Logic 5 Track Automation to transmit MIDI Controller data to Reason. An Example: You may assign one or more MIDI Controller numbers in Reason to e.g. the Malström filters, using the Reason MIDI remote setup. Then draw curves in the Logic Track Automation to remote control the filters. Quote:
Respectively. Beg your pardon for my bad english, but I'm not a native speaker. Sometimes is not that easy to express things in a foreign language :( Quote:
At least here things work fine. Best... Manfred |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Manfred on Feb 5th, 2003, 5:43pm on 02/05/03 at 00:37:45, dk01 wrote:
Not that bad as you describe it. I use an ASIO audio card with 256 samples buffer size, results in 6ms latency. Playing Reason thru Logic seems so result in double latency, one buffer for Reason, another for Logic. It's not really fast, but playable without problems. Quote:
I think you are right, this seems to be mainly an issue of audio latency. Maybe MIDI Yoke adds one or another millisecond, but that shouldn't result in an unuseable latency as you mentioned. What audio hardware are you using? Does that long latency also appear, if you play audio instruments in Logic? Quote:
That's exactly what I did. Quote:
It's high time they publish a full ReWire 2 support. But I fear, this will be available on Mac only. Best... Manfred |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by dk01 on Feb 5th, 2003, 5:48pm Sorry wrote this originally before your 2nd reply above: 1) no I dont have the latency issues with logic audio instruments 2) I am using a cheap audiophile 2496 card - havent fiddled with any settings with it or logic or reason in terms of latency/driver things - but if you achieved usable results I figure I must be able to... assuming usable to me and you is the same thing - I mean right now I can do a 2 or 3 count before I hear the sound out of logic! And sometimes the note prior gets cut off.....! I will fiddle with the ASIO driver settings etc. Given the latency issues - and benefits of remote control... should I scrap rewire use and run em as separate apps with separate sound drivers? then get the remote controls working. Rewire 2.0 is officially to be released as part of Logic 6 for Mac next month - tech support keeps suggesting switching :o I am considering switching to something else alright - like Digital Performer... if this cant be supported under PC. Love Emagic though. Thanks, DK |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by dk01 on Feb 6th, 2003, 6:32pm Hey, Success! ASIO driver set in Logic and hardware latency set to 256 - and now no perceivable latency and my: Logic + Reason + Rewire + Midiyoke = is working! I did notice - which is completely not related to yoke at all - that editing features of the Reason sequencer and audio saving and recording of rewire audio in Logic is NOT AVAILABLE. Manfred, is this how your system works too? The recording in Logic would be so helpful - but I guess its just meant to tie the transport and a loop or sequence to your work in Logic... oh well... Midiyoke - though is awesome and was so up to this task! Cool stuff thanks, DK |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by Manfred on Feb 6th, 2003, 7:08pm on 02/06/03 at 18:32:44, dk01 wrote:
Congratulations! Quote:
Reason disables some audio and MIDI functions in ReWire mode, this is normal. Recording of ReWire tracks in Logic is done with the Bounce funktion. You do bouncing by hitting the 'Bounce' button in the Output object of the Logic Audio Mixer, to which the ReWire instruments are routed. Just open the Logic Audio Mixer, scroll to the right, and you will see the Output objects. Possibly Logic will tell you that there's nothing to bounce. This is because ReWire instrument tracks contain no audio data. If you get this message, adjust start and end point of the region that should be bounced manually in the bounce window. Another option is to enable a cycle, that covers the region you wish to bounce. 'Bounce and add' will add the new created audio file to your Logic audio window, so you may put it to an audio track after bouncing. Best... Manfred |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by dk01 on Apr 15th, 2003, 2:38pm Hi all, see my follow up thread: http://www.midiox.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=myokent;action=display;num=1050431873;start=0 re: no rewire 2 support in win 5.5 - way around this! thanks DK |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by sonarcade on Jul 11th, 2003, 10:35pm I've tried using midiyoke to emulate rewire 2.0 and in doing so, I realized that the midi in Logic responds for a bit after starting up then suddenly stops responding, although it does respond to Reason when I open it rewired to Logic. Seeing this, I thought that Reason was stealing my midi in so I tried opening Logic by itself and it turns out that the midi stops responding whether I run Reason afterwards or not. Below are the parameters in my win.ini since I also find myself crashing Logic whenever I shut Logic down. Please help me stop from scratching my head on this since I think I've already started bleeding. Thanks. MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___1=0 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___2=0 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___3=0 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___4=0 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___5=0 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___6=0 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___7=0 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___8=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___1=7 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___2=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___3=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___4=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___5=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___6=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___7=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___8=0 |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by tron_74 on Aug 10th, 2004, 5:45pm Hello you all, first my spefications of system: I have running W2ooo SP 3 under PIII with 400 Mhz, 256 MB RAM and an ESS Meastro Soundcard (Standard under Dell Machines). As Sequenzer is running Pro Logic 5.5.0. and Rebirt 2.02 for Acidlines and Baseconstruction. After installation I had some trobles with Pro Logic same as many people described. When started I recieved a Window what told me "Midi Feedback Detected, Port 1# Disabled". I tried tschaga`s Version od editing Win.Ini and now it works, jesus cries, It`s still working. But who will use this Tip, please RECOGNIZE;URGENT!!!! Don`t rename your copy of win.ini to win.bak because .bak sometimes becomes overwriting by some text and system editors like Ultra-Edit or code-programming Interfaces. Name it Win.original this a name of fantasy and no editior will overwrite it because no software is working with.And in the list of WinNT you find it directly at win.ini, so you whoever you made a mistake can reset your Win.Ini [Logic] MidiIn_Ess_Maestro_PCI=1 MidiOut_Ess_Maestro_PCI=7 MidiOut_Microsoft_GS_Wavetable_SW_Synth=7 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___1=0 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___2=0 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___3=0 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___4=0 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___5=1 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___6=1 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___7=1 MidiIn_MIDI_Yoke_NT___8=1 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___1=7 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___2=7 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___3=7 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___4=7 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___5=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___6=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___7=0 MidiOut_MIDI_Yoke_NT___8=0 In time I try to enlarge my knowledge how to initiate Rebirth by ReWire in Logic. If somebody knows how, please explain. I found one useful manual in PDF Format which explains mainly Parts of Logic. Is it possible to load it up at this Side so that others have a good use to it ? |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by maiki on Feb 12th, 2005, 6:35pm on 09/27/01 at 13:04:30, stonecut wrote:
Not true, actually. There are a couple of other virtual midi cables that work in Windows XP. One is the Maple Virtual MIDI cable http://www.marblesound.com/Maple_driver.html. Another one is: LoopBe1: http://www.nerds.de/en/loopbe1.html. I don't know if either of these have less latency than MIDIYOKE NT. If anyone here compares that factor in these different VMCs, it would be interesting to see the result. I did try these others to see if I would have the same problem I had (described in another thread) of playing a plug-in softsynth track in Sonar using a virtual keyboard program through MIDIYOKE. I had the same problem with both of these other VMCs as well. But I don't know how they compare in other factors, such as latency, resources used, stability, etc. If anyone has compared various factors in the VMCs, it would be interesting to see the results. As far as the second part of your sentence, that investing time in rewriting Midiyoke NT would be beneficial to Jamie, I'm not sure about that. It could certainly be beneficial to people who use virtual midi cables in XP, 2000, etc., if that program were improved. As a free program, for which he receives no compensation, I'm not sure how it would be beneficial to Jamie, other than the personal satisfaction involved in having improved a program, etc. I agree that it's great that he spends time on this board answering questions! :D |
Title: Re: Midi Yoke and Logic not working ? Post by dewdman42 on Jun 8th, 2006, 5:56pm Does anyone know if anyone has done a benchmark to compare latency and throughput, cpu use, etc.. comparisons between MidiYoke and those other kernel mode virtual midi port drivers? They claim to have lower latency by virtue of the fact that they are in the kernel, but since it still comes down to two user mode apps being connected...I'm not sure how a kernal mode driver would make any difference at all. |
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