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MIDI Yoke >> MIDI Yoke NT >> Feedback Detected
(Message started by: a006dean on Mar 4th, 2003, 5:40pm)

Title: Feedback Detected
Post by a006dean on Mar 4th, 2003, 5:40pm
I gather from the number of notes describing the feedback issue that this must come up frequently.  For the life of me I cannot figure out what I have done wrong.

I loaded MidiYoke on my WinXP system - no problems.

I fire up Band In A Box Version 12 and set the MIDI output (of BIAB) to MidiYoke Port 1.

I play a tune.  Everything works fine - no sound but that's expected.

Now I fire up Midi-OX and tell it to get Midi input from MidiYoke Port 1.

I go back to BIAB and run the "test driver" option.  I can see MIDI command streaming by in Midi-OX for about 5 seconds and then the dreaded "Feedback Detected" message appears.

Any thoughts?

Title: Re: Feedback Detected
Post by a006dean on Mar 5th, 2003, 12:17am
Continuing to play with this, I tried version 1.70 and 1.71.

I toggle on/off MIDI YOKE PORT 1 in MIDI-OX and get a feedback detected error.  There's nothing else attached to the MIDI YOKE driver.

I must be terribly off base on how to get this to work.

Title: Re: Feedback Detected
Post by Peter L Jones on Mar 5th, 2003, 8:35am
Have you got MIDI Bar?  Try this...

Load up MIDI OX, clear out everything in the (MIDI Devices) port map and just select "MIDI Yoke Junction: 1" as an Input.  Bring up the input and output monitor windows, too.  Oh, and Port Activity.  There should be two "Input" entries (one being  MIDI-OX Generated Event) and no "Output" entries.

Then load up a MIDI file in MIDI Bar, set MIDI Bar's output to "MIDI Yoke Junction: 1" and hit play.

MIDI-OX should display events in the Input window only.

If this works, try it again with BIAB.  If you get loopback in BIAB, check again whether you've got it openning "MIDI Yoke Junction: 1" for both input and output with BIAB set to forward input to output (i.e. Thru mode).

Title: Re: Feedback Detected
Post by a006dean on Mar 5th, 2003, 10:30am
Whew - thanks for the terrific response.  I'm gonna try this tonight.

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