
Posts: 1019
Re: automatically detect controllers.
« Reply #1 on: May 19th, 2021, 11:23pm » |
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Nope, it doesn't do it. Partial solution... Connect all you devices at once and open the Ins and Outs using Options / Midi Devices... Save that list I like to rename the ports (Options / Customize Port Names...) by using 3 letters to start then then a bigger name eg for my MidiSport that has 4 ins and 4 outs I use "MAi MidiSport" for the first input "MAo MidiSport". The "MAi" = MidiSport Input 1 and this is used in the Input and Output windows. but in the Midi Port Routing window the "MAi MidiSport" is used. This is very helpful as I have a MODX and Motif which also start with 'M' and have multiple ports. To make this permanent Make a 'MidiOxNames.reg' file with a text editor (the text example between the " ) " Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MIDI-OX\MIDI-OX 32\Custom In Names] "E-DSP MIDI Port [D8E0]"="EMi EMU in" "MIDISPORT 4x4 In A"="MAi MidiSport" "MIDISPORT 4x4 In B"="MBi MidiSport" "MIDISPORT 4x4 In C"="MCi MidiSport" "MIDISPORT 4x4 In D"="MDi MidiSport" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MIDI-OX\MIDI-OX 32\Custom Out Names] "E-DSP MIDI Port [D8E0]"="EMo EMU Out" "MIDISPORT 4x4 Out A"="MAo MidiSport" "MIDISPORT 4x4 Out B"="MBo MidiSport" "MIDISPORT 4x4 Out C"="MCo MidiSport" "MIDISPORT 4x4 Out D"="MDo MidiSport" " Save it and then double click it to load into the Windows Registry. If you are not sure of the driver names, right click in the Output Monitor window and select "Device" and the device name will be in the Output Window " DEVICE INFORMATION IN: 1) EMi [E-DSP MIDI Port [D8E0]] IN: 2) MAi MidiSport [MIDISPORT 4x4 In A] IN: 3) MBi MidiSport [MIDISPORT 4x4 In B] IN: 4) MCi MidiSport [MIDISPORT 4x4 In C] IN: 5) MDi MidiSport [MIDISPORT 4x4 In D] IN: 6) LM0 LoopMidi [loopMIDI Port] IN: 7) LM1 LoopMidi [loopMIDI Port 1] OUT: 2) EMo EMU out [E-DSP MIDI Port [D8E0]] OUT: 3) MAo MidiSport [MIDISPORT 4x4 Out A] OUT: 4) MBo MidiSport [MIDISPORT 4x4 Out B] OUT: 5) MCo MidiSport [MIDISPORT 4x4 Out C] OUT: 6) MDo MidiSport [MIDISPORT 4x4 Out D] OUT: 7) LM0 LoopMidi [loopMIDI Port] In: MIDI-OX Events Details/Chan: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,CM,RT,Sx OUT: LM1 LoopMidi [loopMIDI Port 1] " MidiOx does remember all your settings though, so kill it and restart it and it should load your new driver. Unplug a device - kill and restart MidiOx and that driver will be gone. There may be a way using a script to detect and connect. Check out Script in the help. All the best Royce