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Reaper 7 and Vepro midi bus issue
« on: Nov 20th, 2023, 1:35pm » |
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Hi, Reaper 7 recently increased its midi bus/port size to 128 busses/ports. Users are having issues communicating to VEPRO on the same machine on busses/ports higher than 16. Cubase has no issues, so it's something for the developers of Reaper to look at. As their time is limited, I'd like to try and diagnose the issue. I wondered if midi ox could help. If I send out midi say on bus/port 17 channel 1 from cubase, can midi ox see what midi information this is? Then I could tell the Reaper devs that cubase is sending this out, but reaper is not. And that might help them. If this is something midi ox can do, please help me. I'm new to all the technical side of midi. Thank you Luke