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Topic: Divert Computer Keyboard to the Script (Read 1309 times) |

Posts: 16
Divert Computer Keyboard to the Script
« on: Jan 7th, 2003, 8:42pm » |
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The scripting feature is great. I am using it to provide "one touch" midi prog-change messages, mapping the COMPUTER KEYBOARD keys to midi prog change messages. Unfortunately, you do not divert the midi note on/off messages generated by the computer keyboard to the script. So I have to run TWO instances of Midi-Ox, so that the computer keyboard midi messages generated in the first instance may be piped into the second instance via Midi-Yoke, in order to be translated by the script. My wish: to have the computer keyboard generated midi be divertable into the script -- all within a SINGLE instance of Midi-Ox.
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Jamie OConnell

Posts: 2027
Re: Divert Computer Keyboard to the Script
« Reply #1 on: Jan 8th, 2003, 1:35pm » |
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Unfortunately, that wish is not feasible, as the scripting data is all routed and diverted in the MIDI Input callback, while the keyboard data is output via a different mechanism. Changing either of these things would add latency and decrease reliability.
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--Jamie Music is its own reward.