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Topic: Velocity Display (Read 5120 times) |
New Member

 MIDI-OX Rules!
Posts: 2
Velocity Display
« on: Feb 25th, 2016, 4:00am » |
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I find it extremely strange that alongside all the other paramaters displayed, note velocity does not appear. Is there a plan to add that?
« Last Edit: Feb 25th, 2016, 5:11am by » |
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Posts: 1020
Re: Velocity Display
« Reply #1 on: Feb 25th, 2016, 7:44am » |
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Hi Midi Note on message and Note off messages are 3 bytes long and have the following format. Status Note_Number Velocity The Status is a combination of Note On + channel or Note off + channel So if you need to check out the velocity then you'll find it in the column marked 'DATA2' All the best Royce Craven
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New Member

 MIDI-OX Rules!
Posts: 2
Re: Velocity Display
« Reply #2 on: Feb 25th, 2016, 2:37pm » |
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on Feb 25th, 2016, 7:44am, Breath wrote:Hi Midi Note on message and Note off messages are 3 bytes long and have the following format. Status Note_Number Velocity The Status is a combination of Note On + channel or Note off + channel So if you need to check out the velocity then you'll find it in the column marked 'DATA2' All the best Royce Craven |
| I see it confuses me, sometime it's a regular 2-digit number, sometimes it's number and a letter, like '4A' for example. I'm not sure what to make of that. By the way, what would an aftertouch input look like? a note-on, follow by a continuous stream of varying velocity inputs, then a note-off?
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Posts: 1020
Re: Velocity Display
« Reply #3 on: Feb 25th, 2016, 6:56pm » |
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Hi the numbers are in a format called Hexadecimal or Hex for short. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F (16 numerals) instead of decimals 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (10 numerals) So 10 in hex is really 16 in decimal and in Midi it is usually displayed as two numerals 00 01 02 ... FD FE FF . Interesting and handy for digital computers, but why bother ? The first number in a midi message is a combination of 'what kind of message' + what channel does it apply to. Status is really easy to see in hex for example B0. B is Controller and the 0 is channel 1 (always add 1 as we know channels go from 1 to 16 not 0 to 15) 83 Note off on channel 4 97 Note on on channel 8 A9 Aftertouch (polyphonicl) on channel 10 - not used very much CE Patch change on channel 15 EA Pitch bend on channel 11 The following only have two numbers in teh message so the second data byte is ignored CE Patch change on channel 15 D5 Aftertouch (channel or whole keyboard) on channel 6 System Exclusive (sysex) is a very different Midi message and looks like F0 xx yy zz aa bb cc dd ff gg hh F7 F0 = start sysex F7 = end sysex All the numbers in between are data (between 00 and 7F) and can be anything. There are some specific general sysex messages that are defined. The data in Midi goes from 0 to 127 or hex 00 to 7F To prevent a mix up, the status number is always bigger than the biggest data number. Status bytes are between 80 to FF A great Midi page is In MidiOx all messages are on a new line and not crowded in a stream. 90 3C 56 (note on - channel 1, middle C, medium velocity) D0 04 -- (Aftertouch (channel) channel 1, light pressure) D0 7F -- (Aftertouch (channel) channel 1, maximum pressure) 90 3C 65 (note off - channel 1, middle C, off velocity a bit quicker) but for note off you can also use ... 90 3C 00 (note on - channel 1, middle C, velocity zero which is really note Off) It has less information and note off velocity can be used for all sorts of extra sounds that are velocity controlled. My Roland keyboards have note off, but my Yamaha ones have note on zero velocity. Hope that helps. All the best Royce
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Jamie OConnell

Posts: 2027
Re: Velocity Display
« Reply #4 on: Nov 4th, 2016, 12:53pm » |
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In addition, you can have MIDI-OX display decimal values (instead of Hexadecimal) in the Monitors: right-click in the monitor and choose, "Display Decimal".
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--Jamie Music is its own reward.