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MIDI-OX >> Wish List >> I need to remap system relatime messages
(Message started by: electrofux on Dec 16th, 2001, 5:12pm)

Title: I need to remap system relatime messages
Post by electrofux on Dec 16th, 2001, 5:12pm

at first i want to tell you that Midi Ox is one of the most usefull programs i came across and i use it alot, infact without it nothing would work here anymore.
But right now i ran into a mapping problem that cannot be solved so far: i just bought me an electribe ES1 and i want to sync it to Cubase. The Problem i encounter is that Cubase sends Continue Messages (System Realtime: FB) when pressing stop in the middle of an arrangement and then starting again but i need Cubase to send a Start messgae again (System realtime: FA) because then the pattern sequencer always starts playing from the beginning of the actual pattern. This is really important for me as i always run into sync problems when stopping and moving the song position pointer somewhere else. I already tried it out with another Midi program and it worked, but this program has problems with putting the Clock message thru.


Title: Re: I need to remap system relatime messages
Post by Jamie OConnell on Dec 18th, 2001, 12:59pm
Thanks for the suggestion.  We might be able to add this.

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