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MIDI-OX >> Wish List >> Mapping to "Send SysEx File
(Message started by: eriksb on Jan 12th, 2004, 2:05am)

Title: Mapping to "Send SysEx File
Post by eriksb on Jan 12th, 2004, 2:05am

In the data and/or patch mapping I could use a new "Set output to"-alternative, which would enable me to specify a <My SysEx filename>.syx that MIDI-OX would send, when an input controller matched.

With that in my tool-box, I would have a very nice integration between my sequencer program and my favorite Effect-editor, Patch-editor etc.

I would simply save my Effect- or Patch-setting as a *.syx file, and place a "pointer" in my MIDI-sequence to this *.syx file at the point in time, where I need it sent.

Today, after changing an effect or patch, I have to copy it to the clipboard and paste it into my MIDI-sequence as a number of SysEx Messages.

Thank you, not the least for MIDI-OX

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