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MIDI-OX >> Wish List >> Custom Controller Labels
(Message started by: Toby on Nov 21st, 2004, 9:10pm)

Title: Custom Controller Labels
Post by Toby on Nov 21st, 2004, 9:10pm
I am working with a midi control surface.  It send midi controller messages upon using the buttons and faders.  

I created an instrument definition in Sonar to change the controller names to it's respective fader/button labels in the control surface; and used it in MIDI-OX.  However, it seems that MIDI-OX only uses the patch names from the instrument definition, and not the other listings.

So, if all this is true, here's my wish:  To allow the customization of the Monitor windows in order to have my own set of labels for controller data, as well as other labels based on the current Instrument definition being used.


Title: Re: Custom Controller Labels
Post by 4x4uk on May 7th, 2011, 5:56pm
yeah I must admit I would really like to have the ability to customize the controller names shown in the monitor windows too

Title: Re: Custom Controller Labels
Post by 4x4uk on Dec 6th, 2011, 5:18pm
Just to update this a little bit  its been a while since I posted, but it would be really good if it was possible to customize controller names individualy for each midi channel either via instrument definitions or some other means.

and these alterations would be reflected in the monitor windows, this would make be really useful when monitoring live performances and or troubleshooting especially with larger and or more complex set ups

Title: Re: Custom Controller Labels
Post by 4x4uk on Apr 15th, 2012, 8:43am
and for me this would be a simple as being able to alter the description which is shown in the event section of the monitor window from the std events shown

for example sending CC 80 the ability to display something Like
"NT Rhythm Channel" instead of the default "Control Change" in the event section of the monitor windows.

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