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   Data Mapping, Port Routing, Port Objects
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   Author  Topic: Data Mapping, Port Routing, Port Objects  (Read 425 times)
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Data Mapping, Port Routing, Port Objects
« on: Nov 30th, 2023, 1:12pm »
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I've been using MIDI-OX for years as a data monitor, and now I'm just getting into mapping. Even for a software engineer, this is confusing.
I have a HydraSynth Deluxe, a virtual sampler, and a Sequential Pro 3. I am trying to set things up so that a program change on the Hydra will select a program on the sampler, select a program on the Pro 3, and optionally rechannelize/filter notes/etc. data and route it to the sampler. I have the sampler portion working (using a patch map to select data maps and filter/rechannelize appropriately) but I just added the Pro 3 and am confused. Specifically -  
The sampler responds to all 16 MIDI channels, and the Pro 3 to only one. How do I filter the Pro 3's channel from the data sent to the sampler? It appears that only one data map is active at a time, for all outputs, yes?
Second - what on earth are the Port Map Objects, and how are they used? I cannot find anything about them in the documentation.  
Finally - what are the MIDI-Ox Event Ports? I understand that sysex dumps originate there, but what else are they used for, and how do they participate in the mapping process?
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Re: Data Mapping, Port Routing, Port Objects
« Reply #1 on: Dec 1st, 2023, 8:35pm »
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I have a HydraSynth Deluxe, a virtual sampler, and a Sequential Pro 3. I am trying to set things up so that a program change on the Hydra will select a program on the sampler, select a program on the Pro 3,  

You can do this with the general Datamap (see the connection Datamaps below)
Better if have a Patch map facility on the Pro3 or the sampler to do this.
Else you can swap patches around on one or the other synths. Welcome to preparation for giging.
Some DAWs have this function as a table.  
and optionally rechannelize/filter notes/etc. data and route it to the sampler. I have the sampler portion working (using a patch map to select data maps and filter/rechannelize appropriately) but I just added the Pro 3 and am confused. Specifically -  
The sampler responds to all 16 MIDI channels, and the Pro 3 to only one.

If the sampler is responding to all channels then it has Midi Omni mode turned ON
The Pro 3 sounds like it has Midi Omni mode turned OFF - this is the mode that most hardware synths default to.
How do I filter the Pro 3's channel from the data sent to the sampler?

I'm not quite sure what you mean here.  
When Omni is OFF, the synth only responds to the Midi channel that it is set to and all other Midi messages are ignored.
You can send any stream of messages down he cable and the synth will filter out those not belonging to its set channel.
It appears that only one data map is active at a time, for all outputs, yes?

That datamap you seem to be using is what I call the general Datamap and effects all Midi inputs shown in the Midi Port Routing window.
There are Connection Datamaps....
1. In the Options / Datamaps you save your newly constructed data map (as an oxm file)  
2. On the Midi Port Routing window you can connect a Midi Input to an output
 a. There is a line that shows the connection
 b. there is a box in the middle of the line
 c. Click on the box and a dialog opens and you can select the oxm file you want to apply to this connection
Now that Datamap is only applied to the connection - so you can have a different Datamap on any connection.
You can have multiple connections from a single input (keyboard) to many outputs and put a different Datamap (or none) on each.
A "Patch map" on many synths allows you to send a PatchChange message (say PC 23) from the keyboard/controller and the synth will load whatever patch you have in slot 23 of the map (perhaps patch 54).
This is NOT what MidiOx's PatchMap is.
MidiOx can react to a PC23 message by loading the DataMap shown in line 23 of the PatchtMap into general slot and load a Port Map.
A Port Map is easiest to explain by saying it is a snapshot of the Port Routing window's connection (including the attachment of any datamaps as above)
This includes what Input and Output Midi Devices are visible on the Port Routing window (see Options / Midi Devices...)
How they are connected.
How they are assigned with Datamaps.
On the Options/Midi Devices opens a dialog.
This dialog is where you save the PortMap - unfortunately labeled "Presets"
You can see the Midi Port Routing connections in list form in list boxes on the right hand side.
The top list box 'Port Mapping' has the devices and a '+' on the left shows the connection and a Datamap if connected
The bottom list box is a list of resources you can drag and drop onto the above listbox.
So in MidiOx there are  PortMaps, DataMaps and, connecting them both, PresetMaps .
Second - what on earth are the Port Map Objects, and how are they used? I cannot find anything about them in the documentation.

See above
[/quote]Finally - what are the MIDI-Ox Event Ports? I understand that sysex dumps originate there, but what else are they used for, and how do they participate in the mapping process? [/quote]
It is simply a Midi Input port coming out of MidiOx.
Any data to being sent out from MidiOx can be treated as if it was coming from an external Midi source.
I hope this helps.
All the best
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MIDI-OX Rules!


Posts: 7
Re: Data Mapping, Port Routing, Port Objects
« Reply #2 on: Dec 1st, 2023, 9:35pm »
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Thanks for the suggestions, Royce.  
Neither instrument has a patch mapping facility, and the sampler is actually a 16 channel multi-timbral instrument, which is why I need MIDI-OX to filter that for me. Fortunately I figured this out: just delete the unwanted channels from the associated port object.
Good to know about the multiple data maps, that was not at all clear from the docs. As it happens I have set everything up with a set of general data maps, one per song, along with appropriate port configs.  
I have a fully working system now (!). I spent some time on a detour when I tried to use customized port names, the bugs in that feature and the strangeness of the file locations took a while to sort out. The system now loads my custom profile on power up, and everything follows my patch changes.
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