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Topic: Sending Program Change to Lighting Controller (Read 5901 times) |
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 MIDI-OX Rules!
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Sending Program Change to Lighting Controller
« on: Feb 7th, 2015, 3:59pm » |
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Hi ...I have just bought a lighting controller for our band which can accept a MIDI input. I thought I would try and control it by automatically starting a lighting scene from my PC using Midi OX. I have attached the USB to MIDI and can see a MIDI output when I list the devices. If I need to send program change 30 code , say, how do I do that? I have spent hours trying to figure this out to no avail....can anybody put me out of my misery? I am a complete novice at MIDI as you might guess. Many thanks to anybody who can help me...!
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Posts: 1019
Re: Sending Program Change to Lighting Controller
« Reply #1 on: Feb 10th, 2015, 5:41pm » |
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Hi Steve, there a couple of way of doing it. The easiest way is to go to View / Control Panel and press the Patch select buttons. Unfortunately the buttons are in Banks of 8 so for Patch 30 (note that Patch 1 = Midi Patch Change messages value 0, patch 2 = 1... patch 30 = 29) you need Section 4 Number 6. The other trick is that the Midi messages comes out of the MIDI-OX Event Port. So you need the to open View / Port Routing window and left-click-drag the MIDI-OX Event Port to the output port of your Midi interface that is connected to the controller. Now you should be able to see the PC (Patch Change) message in the Monitor - Output window when you press a button or change a value in the Control Panel window. If the display is in Hex right click in the Monitor Window and click Display Decimal. If you are still having trouble you may need to set the Midi Channel. There is a channel setting on this window, but it looks like it is in the controller event area. It really works for both Patch Change and CC messages. Unfortunately the channel setting is reset when you restart MidiOx. All the best Royce
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New Member

 MIDI-OX Rules!
Posts: 2
Re: Sending Program Change to Lighting Controller
« Reply #2 on: Feb 11th, 2015, 3:29pm » |
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Hi Royce....many thanks for your following your guide I have stumbled upon being able to control the lights....I say stumble because the program change values given in the instructions don't seem to match those that actually do something! I am on my way now I think..thank you once again! Best wishes Steve
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