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Oct 21st, 2024, 6:41pm

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   Sending Start-Stop message with GT-100
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   Author  Topic: Sending Start-Stop message with GT-100  (Read 1561 times)
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Sending Start-Stop message with GT-100
« on: Nov 13th, 2021, 1:09pm »
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Hi folks !
Thanks to be there ! great app !
I succesfully play guitar thru midi, using "guitar to midi" function from my Boss GT-100 to Reaper with the Boss UM1 usd/midi interface :
Sound play well and I see the notes on/off midi message on midi-ox : all is working perfectly
Now I would like to use GT-100 start/stop message capability to trigger midi sound during a solo song and then go back to the GT100 patch sound.
Midi start/stop message are sent ok from the pedalboard and I see it in Midi-Ox, but they are not processed by Reaper or another program ( I tried also the Korg-M1 windows app).
Here is what I see in the input monitor  
 00096D12   1  --     E2    1C    41    3  ---  Pitch Bend  
 00096D13   1  --     92    2A    03    3  F# 2 Note On      
 00096D57   1  --     E2    1C    43    3  ---  Pitch Bend  
 00096D79   1  --     E2    55    42    3  ---  Pitch Bend  
 00096D7A   1  --     82    2A    40    3  F# 2 Note Off          
 001F875C   1  --     FC    --    --   --  ---  Stop    
 001F8A63   1  --     FA    --    --   --  ---  Start    
and in the output  
 00096D12   1   2     E2    1C    41    3  ---  Pitch Bend  
 00096D13   1   2     92    2A    03    3  F# 2 Note On      
 00096D57   1   2     E2    1C    43    3  ---  Pitch Bend  
 00096D79   1   2     E2    55    42    3  ---  Pitch Bend  
 00096D7A   1   2     82    2A    40    3  F# 2 Note Off        
 001F875C   1   2     FC    --    --   --  ---  Stop    
 001F8A63   1   2     FA    --    --   --  ---  Start  
Any idea ? Maybe I should use MidiOx to "re-post" a more complete midi message, bus as I am a really newbie with midi, I don't know how to do that  
Thanks a lot for your support Wink , I spent hours and hours on that without succeed ...  Cry
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Gender: male
Posts: 1014
Re: Sending Start-Stop message with GT-100
« Reply #1 on: Nov 16th, 2021, 8:43pm »
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It looks like you are sending the correct messages, so it must be the programs after MidiOx.
Normally FA, FB and FC are used alongside synchronization time code  which you are not sending out.
You might be better adding an 'Action' in Reaper instead.
Have a look at this web page. It is simplier and may help.
It uses a CC message for play and you could add a different one for stop and another one for Pause instead of FA, FB or FC controls/
All the best
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MIDI-OX Rules!


Posts: 1
Re: Sending Start-Stop message with GT-100
« Reply #2 on: Mar 25th, 2024, 10:24am »
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Hi, i have a gt-100 and want to send MMC using the CTL knob. I think i have all settings correct but it keeps only sending cc messages.  
I set assign 1 with source CTL and target on midi and start/stop mmc.
Can you provide a list of settings please??
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Gender: male
Posts: 1014
Re: Sending Start-Stop message with GT-100
« Reply #3 on: Mar 25th, 2024, 9:05pm »
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Where is the Stop/Start going to (Hardware or DAW etc) ?
What CC type and values do you want to convert ...?
Is the CC a stream of values and you want to react to just 2 values or a range of values ...?
Do you want to filter out the extra CC messages?
As you haven't given much detail of what you want to do let me make something up that might be close.
Continuous Controller (CC) is Ctrl
Type is Ctrl#
So perhaps you have a foot switch on the GT-100 that sends CC on channel 1, it is type (Ctrl#)  7 with a value of 1 when you press it.
Then when you press it again the GT-100 sends CC type 7 with a value of 0. (Toggle Switch)
(Perhaps you want two separate switches - a STOP Switch and START Switch - let me know)
In MidiOx goto the menu Options / Data Mapping...
Press the 'Clear' button to start again.
You will need two lines
Press 'Insert' for the first new line...
On the next dialog screen..  for the STOP command
Channel =1 : Ctrl : Ctrl# Min = 7 , Max = 7 :  Amount Min 0 , Max = 0   - so only CC 7 on channel 1 with a value of 0
Just Event Type = Stop
Press OK to go back
Press Insert for the second line
On the next dialog screen.. similar to before but this time for the START command (value = 1 this time)
Channel =1 : Ctrl : Ctrl# Min = 7 , Max = 7 :  Amount Min 1 , Max = 1   - so only CC 7 on channel 1 with a value of 1
Just Event Type = Start
Press OK to go back
Save the Map to something like  CC7_StopStart.oxm
Up the top of this dialog is the 'Turn Map On' box that you need to select.
Press OK to close up the DataMap settings.
On the Midi Port Routing window (View/Port Routings...) connect the left side GT-100 connection to whatever you want to send the STOP START to.
Hope this helps.
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