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Topic: Problem with 2 ports with same name (Read 1852 times) |
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 MIDI-OX Rules!
Posts: 2
Problem with 2 ports with same name
« on: Aug 25th, 2017, 12:28pm » |
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Hi all, I'm running 2 Roland Boutique synths through MIDIOX in order to filter out some MIDI data. Problem is, they share the same MIDI port name ("Boutique"), so when saving a profile and reopening MIDIOX, only one of them appears in the MIDI port routing window and all connections are broken. I then tried to assign them custom names by adding theses lines to the .ini file (as seen on another thread): [Custom In Names] Boutique=JP-08 Boutique=JU-06 But because they have the same name, MIDIOX simply renames both MIDI ports "JP-08". Would it be possible to have the option to define the MIDI port by their number instead of their name, something like that maybe: [Custom In Names] # Boutique=JP-08 # Boutique=JU-06 //When # is the port number Thanks for reading!
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Posts: 1020
Re: Problem with 2 ports with same name
« Reply #1 on: Sep 13th, 2017, 3:21am » |
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Hi The safest way to get the correct the Midi interface has been to use the Device Name rather than the Device ID number. Using the number would work only as long as you didn't make any changes to which USB port used which synth or forget to turn both the synths on before booting the computer. That is pretty sloppy and very unlike Roland. Perhaps you can write to them and get them to help you as it will be a problem to all Midi software. Royce
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New Member

 MIDI-OX Rules!
Posts: 2
Re: Problem with 2 ports with same name
« Reply #2 on: Sep 13th, 2017, 4:12am » |
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And how about using their driver key? Each usb/midi device has an unique driver id, so my two "Boutique" drivers, despite sharing the same name, have a different key. Would it be difficult to allow MIDIOX to internally differentiate different drivers by comparing their driver key?
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Posts: 1020
Re: Problem with 2 ports with same name
« Reply #3 on: Sep 13th, 2017, 8:33pm » |
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As far as I know MidiOx uses MMSYSTEM not the new Win 10 additional Midi sub system. As I mentioned, the driver id can be reassigned during the boot sequence if one of the synths has its power off or you have connected it to a different USB port. So although MidiOx could use the driver Id and might be good for your situation as long as permanently connected your synths and had them on before you powered up you computer, it is not a good choice for everyone else. In fact it isn't a good choice for you either and it could lead to a lot of frustrating errors. What names do you see in other programs Live or Sonar or Cubase etc? Roland really should address this especially as these synths are designed to be used together. All the best Royce
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