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Topic: Remap note control (Read 1220 times) |
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 MIDI-OX Rules!

Posts: 3
Remap note control
« on: Nov 9th, 2022, 3:49pm » |
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I would like to play a C note on the Keyboard but would like the end played note to be E I have a few other notes that need to be done this way. Will Midiox perform this task The keyboard will be controlling the program varranger Thanks Seedhay
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Posts: 1020
Re: Remap note control
« Reply #1 on: Nov 9th, 2022, 10:07pm » |
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Hi MidiOx can do this. You use the menu Options/Data Mapping.. Look in the menu Help to start off. There is a separate section of the forum for Mapping help. If you are still having problems feel free to post again. All the best Royce
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New Member

 MIDI-OX Rules!

Posts: 3
Re: Remap note control
« Reply #2 on: Nov 9th, 2022, 11:41pm » |
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Thank You for the fast reply, I'll dig into this and see how it works Seedhay
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Jamie OConnell

Posts: 2027
Re: Remap note control
« Reply #3 on: Nov 10th, 2022, 11:06am » |
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You'll probably also need a MIDI loopback driver to communicate between MIDI-OX and your VArranger program.
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--Jamie Music is its own reward.
New Member

 MIDI-OX Rules!

Posts: 3
Re: Remap note control
« Reply #4 on: Nov 11th, 2022, 11:18am » |
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Hi Jamie Where would I find this program? is there a way that someone could do a recipe for the task I am trying to do, or create a file, I went through the help pages and I'm afraid I'll learn to speak another language before I understand how to reassign the notes , The task I am looking to do is to take a keyboard and place it directly in front of a real piano starting at the F below middle C and mirror the real piano notes on the keyboard so that I can play the rythms of the varranger programs by dropping one finger onto the keyboard as I play the real piano to send the correct key change note to varranger. I have made a similar settup using parts and making my own keyboard but I'm limited to only 8 notes and if I can configure the midi keyoard to remap I will get access to all 12 notes. I'm open to paying for the service depending the price. Thanks seedhay
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Jamie OConnell

Posts: 2027
Re: Remap note control
« Reply #5 on: Nov 14th, 2022, 2:14am » |
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Try for LoopBe1. IIRC MIDI-OX is installed with a map to reverse the keyboard: basically, you are remapping notes 0 - 127 into 127 - 0. You then send that output to your VArranger program via the LoopBe1 driver.
« Last Edit: Nov 14th, 2022, 2:19am by Jamie OConnell » |
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--Jamie Music is its own reward.